In 2022, PIADA, a restaurant brand deeply rooted in hospitality, faced a challenge. Their guest experience was declining as they expanded, with their Guest Net Promoter Score (NPS) stuck in the mid-40s. To realign with their core values of exceptional hospitality, Piada partnered with Training Simplified to overhaul their guest experience strategy. The result? A transformation that saw their NPS rise to the mid-80s in just over a year.

Corban Nichols - Piada Italian Street Food

With Training Simplfied, you can expect engaging, entertaining, educational content that your team will be eager to learn from. And the best part? Your employees will be talking about the training long after their shift ends.

If you're serious about delivering results to your organization, choose Training Simplfied. They have the experience, expertise, and creativity to help your team succeed. Trust me, your employees will thank you for it – ours already have.

framework for success

We worked with Piada to develop a three-tiered framework focused on revitalizing their hospitality standards:

  1. Let Them Know You’re There: Emphasized the basics of presence, engagement, and welcoming guests.

  2. Show Them You Care: Enhanced customer service through attention to detail and proactive problem resolution.

  3. Keep Them Coming Back for More: Built strategies for creating memorable experiences that foster loyalty and repeat visits.

While PIADA's case was a custom engagement, we now offer two ways to bring this impactful training to your organization:

  •  A comprehensive, non-branded version of our hospitality standards training, perfect for those who want a ready-to-implement solution.

  • We can work closely with your brand to tailor the training to fit your specific needs and objectives, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your culture and goals.

more than training

We all knew that to drive behavior change took more than just training. We had to change the behavior of an entire organization.

Together, we built a comprehensive rollout and implementation strategy that included the following:

  • The core of the material is training for all frontline employees. This included training on every step of the process designed for new hires during their onboarding.

  • To empower the managers, we build additional training specifically for managers. The training teaches managers how to teach the standards to their teams, how to diagnose their own restaurant, and how to drive positive results by creating amazing experiences in their restaurants.

  • Before we ever trained a manager or frontline employee, we created the rollout tools and materials startin with executive meetings, then market meetings and finally manager meetings and new store openings.

    These materials drove the "why" behind the training, were more facilitation and discussion-based, and designed to ensure that the entire organization was bought in to the program long before we started training employees.

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